Econ. Environ. Geol. 2002; 35(3): 241-255

Published online June 30, 2002


Environmental Geochemical Characteristics of the Acid Mine Drainage and Stream Sediments in the Abandoned Honam Coal Mine Area, Korea

Young Seog Park1*, Jong Kyun Kim1, Jin Kim1, Woo Seog Jang1, Ki Hyung Lee2 and Min Su Han3

1Dept. of Mineral Resource Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju 501-759, Korea
2Boknae highschool, Bosung Gun 546-830, Korea
3National Research Institute of Cultural Properties

Correspondence to :

Young Seog Park

Received: April 24, 2002; Accepted: June 19, 2002


The purpose of this study is to investigate environmental geochemical characteristics for the acid mine drainage and stream sediments in the abandoned Honam coal mine area. For the chemical analysis, stream water samples were collected at 54 sites and for the mineralogical and chemical analysis, stream sediments samples were collected at 34 sites. Physical and chemical characteristics of stream water were measured at the site and chemical compositions were analyzed by ICP-AES, ICP-MS and IC. Mineralogical characteristics of stream sediments samples were determined using XRD, SEM and EDS. In physical and chemical properties, stream water shows that pH 2.85~8.12, Eh -62~215 mV, EC 0.205~146 ms/m, ER 0.234~255 Ωㆍm, DO 0.03~1068 mg/L and TDS 10.96~1420 mg/L. In chemical compositions, we obtain that K 0.118~3.184 mg/L, Mg 2.1~114.48 mg/L, Ca 2.59~125.02 mg/L, Al
0.01~44.72 mg/L, Fe 0.108~89.49 mg/L and Na 5.45~125.41 mg/L. Stream sediments are commonly composed of quartz, illite and goethite in the result of x-ray diffraction. After heat treatment at 980oC, the hematite peaks are distinctly shown. In consideration of heavy metals (include Fe) for steam sediments, Fe ranges 22575~34713 ppm, Zn 41.66~970.3 ppm, Cd 0.52~52.07 ppm, Cu 1.25~198.5 ppm and Pb 0.43~77.35 ppm.

Keywords abandoned Honam coal mine, acid mine drainage, stream sediments, environmental geochemical characteristics, mineralogical characteristics


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2002; 35(3): 241-255

Published online June 30, 2002


Environmental Geochemical Characteristics of the Acid Mine Drainage and Stream Sediments in the Abandoned Honam Coal Mine Area, Korea

Young Seog Park1*, Jong Kyun Kim1, Jin Kim1, Woo Seog Jang1, Ki Hyung Lee2 and Min Su Han3

1Dept. of Mineral Resource Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju 501-759, Korea
2Boknae highschool, Bosung Gun 546-830, Korea
3National Research Institute of Cultural Properties

Correspondence to:

Young Seog Park

Received: April 24, 2002; Accepted: June 19, 2002


The purpose of this study is to investigate environmental geochemical characteristics for the acid mine drainage and stream sediments in the abandoned Honam coal mine area. For the chemical analysis, stream water samples were collected at 54 sites and for the mineralogical and chemical analysis, stream sediments samples were collected at 34 sites. Physical and chemical characteristics of stream water were measured at the site and chemical compositions were analyzed by ICP-AES, ICP-MS and IC. Mineralogical characteristics of stream sediments samples were determined using XRD, SEM and EDS. In physical and chemical properties, stream water shows that pH 2.85~8.12, Eh -62~215 mV, EC 0.205~146 ms/m, ER 0.234~255 Ωㆍm, DO 0.03~1068 mg/L and TDS 10.96~1420 mg/L. In chemical compositions, we obtain that K 0.118~3.184 mg/L, Mg 2.1~114.48 mg/L, Ca 2.59~125.02 mg/L, Al
0.01~44.72 mg/L, Fe 0.108~89.49 mg/L and Na 5.45~125.41 mg/L. Stream sediments are commonly composed of quartz, illite and goethite in the result of x-ray diffraction. After heat treatment at 980oC, the hematite peaks are distinctly shown. In consideration of heavy metals (include Fe) for steam sediments, Fe ranges 22575~34713 ppm, Zn 41.66~970.3 ppm, Cd 0.52~52.07 ppm, Cu 1.25~198.5 ppm and Pb 0.43~77.35 ppm.

Keywords abandoned Honam coal mine, acid mine drainage, stream sediments, environmental geochemical characteristics, mineralogical characteristics

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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