Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(4): 269-274

Published online August 31, 2003


The Preliminary Study for Genetic Environment of the Gem Fields in the Pailling Area, Cambodia

In Joon Kim*

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 305-350, Korea

Correspondence to :

In Joon Kim

Received: February 27, 2003; Accepted: August 3, 2003


This study, one of the projects for investigation of the precious metal deposits of the Circum-Pacific Ocean countries, was performed in a gem field of Pailling, Cambodia, in which there are numbers of undeveloped mineral resources. The gem fields in the Pailling area are typically distributed in the laterite, lying on of weathered basalts. The gem grade of corundum is low in the surface soil horizon(less than 1 m in depth), but is higher in the subsurface. Occurrence and genetic environment of the precious stone are not concerned in the soils. A precious stone that is already made from at the least upper part of volcanic rocks is produced in large quantities to undergoing to weathering of the rocks. A precious stone is made from upper part of the formation under the high temperature when volcano is vomiting or after vomiting, and/or made from between the formation under the high temperature when other volcano is vomiting. Volcanic rocks including precious stone are a little different from other volcanic rocks when volcano is vomiting, but chemical composition of rocks is not far different from other volcanic rocks.

Keywords Cambodia, basalt, laterite, ruby, sapphire.


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(4): 269-274

Published online August 31, 2003


The Preliminary Study for Genetic Environment of the Gem Fields in the Pailling Area, Cambodia

In Joon Kim*

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 305-350, Korea

Correspondence to:

In Joon Kim

Received: February 27, 2003; Accepted: August 3, 2003


This study, one of the projects for investigation of the precious metal deposits of the Circum-Pacific Ocean countries, was performed in a gem field of Pailling, Cambodia, in which there are numbers of undeveloped mineral resources. The gem fields in the Pailling area are typically distributed in the laterite, lying on of weathered basalts. The gem grade of corundum is low in the surface soil horizon(less than 1 m in depth), but is higher in the subsurface. Occurrence and genetic environment of the precious stone are not concerned in the soils. A precious stone that is already made from at the least upper part of volcanic rocks is produced in large quantities to undergoing to weathering of the rocks. A precious stone is made from upper part of the formation under the high temperature when volcano is vomiting or after vomiting, and/or made from between the formation under the high temperature when other volcano is vomiting. Volcanic rocks including precious stone are a little different from other volcanic rocks when volcano is vomiting, but chemical composition of rocks is not far different from other volcanic rocks.

Keywords Cambodia, basalt, laterite, ruby, sapphire.

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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