Econ. Environ. Geol. 2020; 53(5): 529-542
Published online October 31, 2020
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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.
The cesium (Cs) sorption characteristics of a bead-type polysulfone carrier contained HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal (3 – 5 mm in diameter) in water system were investigated and its Cs removal efficiency as an adsorbent from water was also identified by various laboratory experiments. From the results of batch sorption experiments, the bead-type polysulfone carrier with only 5% HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal (P-5NBC) represented the high Cs removal efficiency of 57.8% for 1 hour sorption time. The Cs removal efficiency of P-5NBC in water after 24 hours reaction maintained > 69% at a wide range of pH and temperature conditions, attesting to its applicability under various water systems. Batch sorption experiments were repeated for P-5NBC coated with two cultivated microorganisms (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus drentensis), which were typical indigenous species inhabited in soil and groundwater. The Cs removal efficiency for two microorganisms coated polysulfone carrier (BP-5NBC) additionally increased by 19% and 18%, respectively, compared to that of only P-5NBC without microorganisms coated. The average Cs desorption rate of P-5NBC for 24 h was lower than 16%, showing the Cs was stably attached on HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal in so much as its long-term use. The maximum Cs sorption capacity (qm) of P-5NBC calculated from the Langmuir isotherm model study was 60.9 mg/g, which was much higher than those of other adsorbents from previous studies for 1 h sorption time. The results of continuous column experiments showed that the P-5NBC coated with microorganisms packed in the column maintained > 80% of the Cs removal efficiency during 100 pore volumes flushing. It suggested that only 14.7 g of P-5NBC (only 0.75 g of HNO3 treated bamboo charcoal included) can successfully clean-up 7.2 L of Cs contaminated water (the initial Cs concentration: 1 mg/L; the effluent concentration: < 0.2 mg/L). The present results suggested that the Cs contaminated water can be successfully cleaned up by using a small amount of the polysulfone carrier with HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal.
Keywords Bacillus drentensis, bamboo charcoal, cesium, polysulfone, Pseudomonas fluorescens, radioactive contamination
Ni Wayan Sukma Taraning Rahayu · 김선희 · 탁현지 · 김경태 · 이민희*
부경대학교 지구환경과학과
질산으로 표면 처리한 대나무 활성탄을 소량 첨가한 구형의 폴리술폰 담체(직경 3 – 5 mm)를 제조한 후, 세슘 (Cesium: Cs) 오염수를 대상으로 다양한 실내 실험을 수행하여 담체의 세슘 흡착 특성과 Cs 제거효율을 규명하였다. 배치실험 결과, 질산처리한 대나무 활성탄 5%를 첨가하여 제조한 폴리술폰 담체(P-5NBC)는 수 시간 내에 흡착평형에 도달하였고, 1시간 흡착시간 동안 57.8%의 Cs 제거효율을 나타내었다. 흡착시간이 24시간인 경우에는 오염수의 온도와 pH가 비교적 넓은 범위에서도 P-5NBC의 Cs 제거효율이 69%이상을 유지하여, 다양한 수환경 조건에서 Cs 제거를 위해 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 토양과 지하수에 서식하는 대표 미생물종인 Pseudomonas fluorescens 와 Bacillus drentensis를 배양하여 P-5NBC 표면에 도포한 경우, 미생물을 도포하지 않은 기존 P-5NBC보다 Cs 제 거효율은 각각 19%와 18% 증가하였다. P-5NBC의 평균 Cs 탈착율은 16% 이하를 나타내어, Cs가 폴리술폰 담체에 포함된 질산처리한 대나무 활성탄에 안정적으로 결합하고 있었다. 두 종류의 미생물로 도포한 P-5NBC로 충진하여 연속 칼럼실험을 수행한 결과, 100 공극체적량을 처리하는 동안 Cs 제거효율은 80%이상을 유지하였으며, 이러한 결과는 14.7 g의 P-5NBC 만으로(담체 내 순수 대나무 활성탄량: 0.75 g) 7.2 L의 오염수 (오염수 초기 Cs 농도: 1 mg/L; 처리수 Cs 농도: < 0.2 mg/L)를 성공적으로 처리하였음을 의미한다. 1시간 동안 반응시킨 Cs 흡착 배치실험 결과를 대표적인 Langmuir 흡착등온선에 도시한 결과, P-5NBC의 최대 Cs 흡착농도(qm: mg/g)값은 60.9 mg/g으로, 기존 선 행 연구들에서 사용한 다른 흡착제들보다 높았다. 본 연구를 통하여 소량의 P-5NBC 구형 담체를 이용하여 다양한 수 환경에서 Cs를 성공적으로 제거할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
주요어 구형 담체, 대나무 활성탄, 세슘, 방사능 오염, 폴리술폰, Bacillus drentensis, Pseudomonas fluorescens
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2020; 53(5): 529-542
Published online October 31, 2020
Ni Wayan Sukma Taraning Rahayu, Seonhee Kim, Hyunji Tak, Kyeongtae Kim and Minhee Lee*
Department of Earth Environmental Sciences, Pukyong National University
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.
The cesium (Cs) sorption characteristics of a bead-type polysulfone carrier contained HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal (3 – 5 mm in diameter) in water system were investigated and its Cs removal efficiency as an adsorbent from water was also identified by various laboratory experiments. From the results of batch sorption experiments, the bead-type polysulfone carrier with only 5% HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal (P-5NBC) represented the high Cs removal efficiency of 57.8% for 1 hour sorption time. The Cs removal efficiency of P-5NBC in water after 24 hours reaction maintained > 69% at a wide range of pH and temperature conditions, attesting to its applicability under various water systems. Batch sorption experiments were repeated for P-5NBC coated with two cultivated microorganisms (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus drentensis), which were typical indigenous species inhabited in soil and groundwater. The Cs removal efficiency for two microorganisms coated polysulfone carrier (BP-5NBC) additionally increased by 19% and 18%, respectively, compared to that of only P-5NBC without microorganisms coated. The average Cs desorption rate of P-5NBC for 24 h was lower than 16%, showing the Cs was stably attached on HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal in so much as its long-term use. The maximum Cs sorption capacity (qm) of P-5NBC calculated from the Langmuir isotherm model study was 60.9 mg/g, which was much higher than those of other adsorbents from previous studies for 1 h sorption time. The results of continuous column experiments showed that the P-5NBC coated with microorganisms packed in the column maintained > 80% of the Cs removal efficiency during 100 pore volumes flushing. It suggested that only 14.7 g of P-5NBC (only 0.75 g of HNO3 treated bamboo charcoal included) can successfully clean-up 7.2 L of Cs contaminated water (the initial Cs concentration: 1 mg/L; the effluent concentration: < 0.2 mg/L). The present results suggested that the Cs contaminated water can be successfully cleaned up by using a small amount of the polysulfone carrier with HNO3-treated bamboo charcoal.
Keywords Bacillus drentensis, bamboo charcoal, cesium, polysulfone, Pseudomonas fluorescens, radioactive contamination
Ni Wayan Sukma Taraning Rahayu · 김선희 · 탁현지 · 김경태 · 이민희*
부경대학교 지구환경과학과
질산으로 표면 처리한 대나무 활성탄을 소량 첨가한 구형의 폴리술폰 담체(직경 3 – 5 mm)를 제조한 후, 세슘 (Cesium: Cs) 오염수를 대상으로 다양한 실내 실험을 수행하여 담체의 세슘 흡착 특성과 Cs 제거효율을 규명하였다. 배치실험 결과, 질산처리한 대나무 활성탄 5%를 첨가하여 제조한 폴리술폰 담체(P-5NBC)는 수 시간 내에 흡착평형에 도달하였고, 1시간 흡착시간 동안 57.8%의 Cs 제거효율을 나타내었다. 흡착시간이 24시간인 경우에는 오염수의 온도와 pH가 비교적 넓은 범위에서도 P-5NBC의 Cs 제거효율이 69%이상을 유지하여, 다양한 수환경 조건에서 Cs 제거를 위해 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 토양과 지하수에 서식하는 대표 미생물종인 Pseudomonas fluorescens 와 Bacillus drentensis를 배양하여 P-5NBC 표면에 도포한 경우, 미생물을 도포하지 않은 기존 P-5NBC보다 Cs 제 거효율은 각각 19%와 18% 증가하였다. P-5NBC의 평균 Cs 탈착율은 16% 이하를 나타내어, Cs가 폴리술폰 담체에 포함된 질산처리한 대나무 활성탄에 안정적으로 결합하고 있었다. 두 종류의 미생물로 도포한 P-5NBC로 충진하여 연속 칼럼실험을 수행한 결과, 100 공극체적량을 처리하는 동안 Cs 제거효율은 80%이상을 유지하였으며, 이러한 결과는 14.7 g의 P-5NBC 만으로(담체 내 순수 대나무 활성탄량: 0.75 g) 7.2 L의 오염수 (오염수 초기 Cs 농도: 1 mg/L; 처리수 Cs 농도: < 0.2 mg/L)를 성공적으로 처리하였음을 의미한다. 1시간 동안 반응시킨 Cs 흡착 배치실험 결과를 대표적인 Langmuir 흡착등온선에 도시한 결과, P-5NBC의 최대 Cs 흡착농도(qm: mg/g)값은 60.9 mg/g으로, 기존 선 행 연구들에서 사용한 다른 흡착제들보다 높았다. 본 연구를 통하여 소량의 P-5NBC 구형 담체를 이용하여 다양한 수 환경에서 Cs를 성공적으로 제거할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
주요어 구형 담체, 대나무 활성탄, 세슘, 방사능 오염, 폴리술폰, <i>Bacillus drentensis</i>, <i>Pseudomonas fluorescens</i>
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