Original Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2015; 48(1): 1-13

Published online February 28, 2015


Ore Minerals and Genetic Environments of the Seungryung Zn Deposit, Muzu, Korea

Taesun Yeom and Dongbok Shin*

Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Kongju National University, Gongju 314-701, Korea

Correspondence to : shin@kongju.ac.kr

Received: November 24, 2014; Revised: November 24, 2014; Accepted: December 31, 2014


The geology of the Seungryung Zn deposit, located in the Muzu basin, consists of Precambrian leucocratic granitic gneiss, Cretaceous clastic rocks, pyroclastic rocks, and intrusive rocks. The deposit shows a weakly skarnized hydrothermal replacement ore developed along limestone bed in the gneiss. The mineralization can be divided into three stages: the early skarnization producing garnet and pyroxene, the main mineralization in the middle stage precipitating most metallic minerals such as magnetite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals, and the late stage for altered or low temperature minerals such as chlorite and marcasite. Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals include heyrovskite-eskimoite solid solution, lillianite-gustavite solid solution, and vikingite. Chalcopyrite diseases are quite common in sphalerite showing bead chains and dusting textures. The δ34S values of sulfides minerals are concentrated within the narrow range of 3.4~4.1‰ for pyrite, 3.3~4.3‰ for sphalerite, 4.0~4.3‰ for chalcopyrite, and 2.8‰ for galena, suggesting that most sulfur is of igneous origin. Sulfur isotope geothermometry is calculated to be 346~431oC, implying that the mineralization occurred at relatively high temperature. FeS contents of sphalerite are relatively high in the range of 6.58~20.16 mole% (avg. 16.58 mole%) with the enrichment of Mn compared to Cd, similarly to representative skarn Pb-Zn deposits in South Korea. On the contrary, sphalerite from Au-Ag deposits in the Seolcheon mineralized zone around the Seungryung deposit is enriched in Cd, showing similar feature like representative epithermal Au-Ag deposits. This suggests that around the related igneous rocks, magnetite and sphalerite were produced at high temperature in the Seungryung deposit, and with decreasing temperature and compositional change of mineralizing fluids, Au-Ag mineralization proceeded in the Seolcheon mineralized zone.

Keywords Seungryung deposit, hydrothermal replacement, sphalerite, Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals, sulfur isotope


Original Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2015; 48(1): 1-13

Published online February 28, 2015


Ore Minerals and Genetic Environments of the Seungryung Zn Deposit, Muzu, Korea

Taesun Yeom and Dongbok Shin*

Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Kongju National University, Gongju 314-701, Korea

Correspondence to:shin@kongju.ac.kr

Received: November 24, 2014; Revised: November 24, 2014; Accepted: December 31, 2014


The geology of the Seungryung Zn deposit, located in the Muzu basin, consists of Precambrian leucocratic granitic gneiss, Cretaceous clastic rocks, pyroclastic rocks, and intrusive rocks. The deposit shows a weakly skarnized hydrothermal replacement ore developed along limestone bed in the gneiss. The mineralization can be divided into three stages: the early skarnization producing garnet and pyroxene, the main mineralization in the middle stage precipitating most metallic minerals such as magnetite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals, and the late stage for altered or low temperature minerals such as chlorite and marcasite. Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals include heyrovskite-eskimoite solid solution, lillianite-gustavite solid solution, and vikingite. Chalcopyrite diseases are quite common in sphalerite showing bead chains and dusting textures. The δ34S values of sulfides minerals are concentrated within the narrow range of 3.4~4.1‰ for pyrite, 3.3~4.3‰ for sphalerite, 4.0~4.3‰ for chalcopyrite, and 2.8‰ for galena, suggesting that most sulfur is of igneous origin. Sulfur isotope geothermometry is calculated to be 346~431oC, implying that the mineralization occurred at relatively high temperature. FeS contents of sphalerite are relatively high in the range of 6.58~20.16 mole% (avg. 16.58 mole%) with the enrichment of Mn compared to Cd, similarly to representative skarn Pb-Zn deposits in South Korea. On the contrary, sphalerite from Au-Ag deposits in the Seolcheon mineralized zone around the Seungryung deposit is enriched in Cd, showing similar feature like representative epithermal Au-Ag deposits. This suggests that around the related igneous rocks, magnetite and sphalerite were produced at high temperature in the Seungryung deposit, and with decreasing temperature and compositional change of mineralizing fluids, Au-Ag mineralization proceeded in the Seolcheon mineralized zone.

Keywords Seungryung deposit, hydrothermal replacement, sphalerite, Pb-Ag-Bi-S system minerals, sulfur isotope

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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