Econ. Environ. Geol. 2004; 37(5): 569-583

Published online October 31, 2004


Deterioration Diagnosis and Source Area of Rock Properties at the West Stone Pagoda, Gameunsaji Temple Site, Korea

Chan Hee Lee1*, Myeong Seong Lee1, Mancheol Suh2, Seok-Won Choi2 and Man Gap Kim2

1Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Science, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Korea
2Department of Geoenvironmental Science, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Korea

Correspondence to :

Chan Hee Lee

Received: August 9, 2004; Accepted: October 15, 2004


The rock properties of the West pagoda in the Gameunsaji temple site are composed mainly of dark grey porphyritic granodiorite with medium grained equigranular texture and developed with small numerous dioritic xenoliths. These xenoliths occurred with small holes due to different weathering processes. As a weathering results, the rock properties of this pagoda occur wholly softened to physical hardness because of a complex result of petrological, meteorological and biological causes. Southeastern part of the pagoda deteriorated seriously that the surface of rock blocks showed partially exfoliations, fractures, open cavities in course of granular decomposition of minerals, sea water spray and crystallization of salt from the eastern coast. The joint between blocks has small or large fracture cross each other, contaminated and corrupted for inserting with concrete, cement mortar, rock fragments and iron plates, and partially accelerated coloration and fractures. There are serious contamination materials of algae, fungus, lichen and bryophytes on the margin and the surface on the roof stone of the pagoda, so it'll require conservation treatment biochemically for releasing vegetation inhabiting on the surface and the discontinuous plane of the blocks because of adding the weathering activity of stones and growing weeds naturally by soil processing on the fissure zone. Consisting rock for the conservation and restoration of the pagoda would be careful choice of new rock properties and epoxy to reinforce for the deterioration surfaces. For the attenuation of secondary contamination
and surface humidity, the possible conservation treatments are needed.

Keywords Porphyritic granodiorite, sea water spray, contamination material, weathering, exfoliation, conservation treatment, restoration


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2004; 37(5): 569-583

Published online October 31, 2004


Deterioration Diagnosis and Source Area of Rock Properties at the West Stone Pagoda, Gameunsaji Temple Site, Korea

Chan Hee Lee1*, Myeong Seong Lee1, Mancheol Suh2, Seok-Won Choi2 and Man Gap Kim2

1Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Science, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Korea
2Department of Geoenvironmental Science, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Korea

Correspondence to:

Chan Hee Lee

Received: August 9, 2004; Accepted: October 15, 2004


The rock properties of the West pagoda in the Gameunsaji temple site are composed mainly of dark grey porphyritic granodiorite with medium grained equigranular texture and developed with small numerous dioritic xenoliths. These xenoliths occurred with small holes due to different weathering processes. As a weathering results, the rock properties of this pagoda occur wholly softened to physical hardness because of a complex result of petrological, meteorological and biological causes. Southeastern part of the pagoda deteriorated seriously that the surface of rock blocks showed partially exfoliations, fractures, open cavities in course of granular decomposition of minerals, sea water spray and crystallization of salt from the eastern coast. The joint between blocks has small or large fracture cross each other, contaminated and corrupted for inserting with concrete, cement mortar, rock fragments and iron plates, and partially accelerated coloration and fractures. There are serious contamination materials of algae, fungus, lichen and bryophytes on the margin and the surface on the roof stone of the pagoda, so it'll require conservation treatment biochemically for releasing vegetation inhabiting on the surface and the discontinuous plane of the blocks because of adding the weathering activity of stones and growing weeds naturally by soil processing on the fissure zone. Consisting rock for the conservation and restoration of the pagoda would be careful choice of new rock properties and epoxy to reinforce for the deterioration surfaces. For the attenuation of secondary contamination
and surface humidity, the possible conservation treatments are needed.

Keywords Porphyritic granodiorite, sea water spray, contamination material, weathering, exfoliation, conservation treatment, restoration

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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