Econ. Environ. Geol. 2004; 37(1): 1-19

Published online February 28, 2004


An Overview of Geoenvironmental Implications of Mineral Deposits in Korea

Seon-Gyu Choi1*, Sang Joon Pak1, Pyeong-Koo Lee2 and Chang Seong Kim1

1Dept. of Earth and Env. Sci., Korea Univ., Seoul 136-701, Korea
2Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resource, Daejeon 305-350, Korea

Correspondence to :

Seon-Gyu Choi

Received: November 28, 2003; Accepted: January 16, 2004


Metallic deposits in Korea have a variety of genetic types such as hydrothermal veins, skarns, hydrothermal replacement and alaskite deposits and so on. Geological, mineralogical and geochemical features including host rock, wall-rock alteration, ore and gangue mineralogy, mineral texture and secondary mineralogy related to weathering process control the environmental signatures of mining areas. The environmental signatures of metallic deposits closed from early 1970s to late 1990s in Korea show complicate geochemistry and mineralogy due to step weathering of primary and secondary minerals such as oxidation-precipitation-remobilization. The potentiality of low pH and high heavy metal Concentrations from acid mine drainage is great in base-metal deposits associated with polymetallic mineralization, breccia-pipe type and Cretaceous hydrothermal Au veins with the amount of pyrite whereas skarn, hydrothermal replacement, hydrothermal Cu and Au-Ag vein deposits are in low contamination possibility. The geoenvironmental models reflecting the various geologic features closely relate to distribution of sulfides and carbonates and their ratios and finally effect on characteristics of environmental signatures such as heavy metal species and their concentrations in acid mine drainage.

Keywords metallic deposit, geoenvironment, acid mine drainage, heavy metals, contamination


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2004; 37(1): 1-19

Published online February 28, 2004


An Overview of Geoenvironmental Implications of Mineral Deposits in Korea

Seon-Gyu Choi1*, Sang Joon Pak1, Pyeong-Koo Lee2 and Chang Seong Kim1

1Dept. of Earth and Env. Sci., Korea Univ., Seoul 136-701, Korea
2Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resource, Daejeon 305-350, Korea

Correspondence to:

Seon-Gyu Choi

Received: November 28, 2003; Accepted: January 16, 2004


Metallic deposits in Korea have a variety of genetic types such as hydrothermal veins, skarns, hydrothermal replacement and alaskite deposits and so on. Geological, mineralogical and geochemical features including host rock, wall-rock alteration, ore and gangue mineralogy, mineral texture and secondary mineralogy related to weathering process control the environmental signatures of mining areas. The environmental signatures of metallic deposits closed from early 1970s to late 1990s in Korea show complicate geochemistry and mineralogy due to step weathering of primary and secondary minerals such as oxidation-precipitation-remobilization. The potentiality of low pH and high heavy metal Concentrations from acid mine drainage is great in base-metal deposits associated with polymetallic mineralization, breccia-pipe type and Cretaceous hydrothermal Au veins with the amount of pyrite whereas skarn, hydrothermal replacement, hydrothermal Cu and Au-Ag vein deposits are in low contamination possibility. The geoenvironmental models reflecting the various geologic features closely relate to distribution of sulfides and carbonates and their ratios and finally effect on characteristics of environmental signatures such as heavy metal species and their concentrations in acid mine drainage.

Keywords metallic deposit, geoenvironment, acid mine drainage, heavy metals, contamination

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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