subsidence" />

" /> Kwangsoo Kwon" /> Kwangsoo Kwon, Mwong-Hwan Yu and Hyeong-Dong Park

" /> Kwangsoo Kwon, Mwong-Hwan Yu and Hyeong-Dong Park

. Econ. Environ. Geol. 2000;33:557-63.">

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2000; 33(6): 557-563

Published online December 31, 2000


A Study on the Application of GIS for Analysis of Subsidence Hazard

Kwangsoo Kwon, Mwong-Hwan Yu and Hyeong-Dong Park

*Geophysical Exploration & Mining Research Division, Korea Institute of Geology, Mining & materials

**School of civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University

Received: August 5, 2000; Accepted: December 1, 2000


Subsidence hazard has never been considered seriously until recent years in Korea, although its socioeconomic impact on Korea becomes more enormous. There have been a few studies for the application of GIS analysis technique to the prediction of subsidence hazard. For GIS analysis, several factors, which are represented by coverage, are considered and selected for building a GIS model. Numerical method was used to quantify the importance of each factor in GIS model and the result from numerical modeling using FLAC was compared with that from previous research based on empirical methods. Analysis in 3-D needs more computer resources (i.e. memory). Therefore that in 2.5-D was considered to overcome the problem. Not only maximum vertical subsidence but also maximum horizontal strain and maximum slope have been considered for the assessment of subsidence hazard. The model can be easily modified for the purpose of applications in any subsidence area, especially cavern or abandoned mines under thick soil layer.


subsidence, GIS, hazard assessment, numerical method, 2.5-D


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2000; 33(6): 557-563

Published online December 31, 2000


A Study on the Application of GIS for Analysis of Subsidence Hazard

Kwangsoo Kwon, Mwong-Hwan Yu and Hyeong-Dong Park

*Geophysical Exploration & Mining Research Division, Korea Institute of Geology, Mining & materials

**School of civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University

Received: August 5, 2000; Accepted: December 1, 2000


Subsidence hazard has never been considered seriously until recent years in Korea, although its socioeconomic impact on Korea becomes more enormous. There have been a few studies for the application of GIS analysis technique to the prediction of subsidence hazard. For GIS analysis, several factors, which are represented by coverage, are considered and selected for building a GIS model. Numerical method was used to quantify the importance of each factor in GIS model and the result from numerical modeling using FLAC was compared with that from previous research based on empirical methods. Analysis in 3-D needs more computer resources (i.e. memory). Therefore that in 2.5-D was considered to overcome the problem. Not only maximum vertical subsidence but also maximum horizontal strain and maximum slope have been considered for the assessment of subsidence hazard. The model can be easily modified for the purpose of applications in any subsidence area, especially cavern or abandoned mines under thick soil layer.


subsidence, GIS, hazard assessment, numerical method, 2.5-D

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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