Econ. Environ. Geol. 2002; 35(2): 155-162
Published online April 30, 2002
Correspondence to : Jin Dong Cho
There are many typical epithermal deposits scattering in the Taran of central Kalimantan, Indonesia. To get the shallow geological information, we carried out the geophysical exploration: spontaneous potential survey, in-situ magnetic susceptibility measurement and resistivity survey method in this area for a few weeks from September 30th to October 27th in 1999. SP survey (Fluke 27 multimeter)/magnetic susceptibility (EK-7 meter) measurement was carried out with a 250 m X 10 m lattice net in N45oW direction. The dipole-dipole array resistivity survey was conducted with an electrode spacing of α=30 m and electrode separation index n=7 at the line 5. The result shows that was the gold bearing quartz vein area can be divided into two type zone: low sulfidation type and high sulfidation type zone. The low resistivity value in the survey line 5 indicated a fracture zone associated with the high sulfidation
Keywords spontaneous potential anomaly, electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, sulfidation type, hydrothermal solution
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2002; 35(2): 155-162
Published online April 30, 2002
Jin Dong Cho*, In Joon Kim and In Hwa Park
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources(KIGAM)
Correspondence to:
Jin Dong Cho
There are many typical epithermal deposits scattering in the Taran of central Kalimantan, Indonesia. To get the shallow geological information, we carried out the geophysical exploration: spontaneous potential survey, in-situ magnetic susceptibility measurement and resistivity survey method in this area for a few weeks from September 30th to October 27th in 1999. SP survey (Fluke 27 multimeter)/magnetic susceptibility (EK-7 meter) measurement was carried out with a 250 m X 10 m lattice net in N45oW direction. The dipole-dipole array resistivity survey was conducted with an electrode spacing of α=30 m and electrode separation index n=7 at the line 5. The result shows that was the gold bearing quartz vein area can be divided into two type zone: low sulfidation type and high sulfidation type zone. The low resistivity value in the survey line 5 indicated a fracture zone associated with the high sulfidation
Keywords spontaneous potential anomaly, electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, sulfidation type, hydrothermal solution
Ji-Soo Kim, Soo-Hyung Han, and Gyo-Cheol Jeong
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2001; 34(2): 193-204Ji-Soo Kim, Soo-Hyung Han, Wang-Jung Yoon, Dae-Hwa Kim3, Kyung-Ju Lee, Sang-Hoon Choi and Pyeong-Koo Lee
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(2): 123-131In-Joon Kim
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2005; 38(3): 347-353