Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(3): 213-223
Published online June 30, 2003
Correspondence to : Jeong Woo Kim
We estimated the Moho depth of Korean Peninsula from gravity anomalies and digital elevation model. The satellite radar altimetry-derived global free-air gravity model was used to ensure the homogeneity in both data and frequency domains of the original data. Two different methods were implemented to calculate the Moho depth; the wavenumber correlation analysis (Kim et al., 2000a) and the power spectrum analysis. The former method calculates depth-to-the-Moho by correlating topographic gravity effect with free-air gravity anomaly in the wavenumber domain under the assumption that the study area is not isostatically compensated. The latter one, on the other hand, considers the different density layers (i.e., Conrad and Moho), using complete Bouguer gravity anomaly in the Frequency domain of the Fourier transform. The correlation coefficient of the two Moho model is 0.53, and methodology and numerical error are mainly responsible for any mismatch between the two models. In order to integrate the two independentely-estimated models, we applied least-squares adjustment using the differenced depth. The resultant model has mean and standard deviation Moho depths of 32.0 km and 2.5 km with (min, max) depths of (20.3, 36.6) kms. Although this result does not include any topographic gravity effect,
however, the validity of isostasy and the role of local stress field in the study area should be further studied.
Keywords Moho, Korean Peninsula, gravity anomalies, wavenumber correlation analysis, power spectrum analysis, Moho integration by least-squares method
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(3): 213-223
Published online June 30, 2003
Jeong Woo Kim1*, Jin Dong Cho2, Won Kyun Kim3, Kyung Duck Min4, Jae Ha Hwang2, Youn Soo Lee2, Chan Hong Park5, Jay Hyoun Kwon1 and Jong Sun Hwang4
1Dept. of Geoinformation Engineering, Sejong University, 2Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources
3Mobile/GIS Technology Support Team, Ssangyong Information & Communications Corp
4Dept. of Earth System Science, Yonsei University
5Global Environment Lab., Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute
Correspondence to:
Jeong Woo Kim
We estimated the Moho depth of Korean Peninsula from gravity anomalies and digital elevation model. The satellite radar altimetry-derived global free-air gravity model was used to ensure the homogeneity in both data and frequency domains of the original data. Two different methods were implemented to calculate the Moho depth; the wavenumber correlation analysis (Kim et al., 2000a) and the power spectrum analysis. The former method calculates depth-to-the-Moho by correlating topographic gravity effect with free-air gravity anomaly in the wavenumber domain under the assumption that the study area is not isostatically compensated. The latter one, on the other hand, considers the different density layers (i.e., Conrad and Moho), using complete Bouguer gravity anomaly in the Frequency domain of the Fourier transform. The correlation coefficient of the two Moho model is 0.53, and methodology and numerical error are mainly responsible for any mismatch between the two models. In order to integrate the two independentely-estimated models, we applied least-squares adjustment using the differenced depth. The resultant model has mean and standard deviation Moho depths of 32.0 km and 2.5 km with (min, max) depths of (20.3, 36.6) kms. Although this result does not include any topographic gravity effect,
however, the validity of isostasy and the role of local stress field in the study area should be further studied.
Keywords Moho, Korean Peninsula, gravity anomalies, wavenumber correlation analysis, power spectrum analysis, Moho integration by least-squares method
Seong-Yong Kim and Jae-Wook Lee
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2015; 48(1): 77-88Jong-Sun Hwang, Kyung Duck Min, Chul Choi and Sang Hoon Yu
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2003; 36(4): 305-312Kyung Duck Min and Youn Soo Lee
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2006; 39(4): 353-368