Econ. Environ. Geol. 2005; 38(6): 699-705

Published online December 31, 2005


Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metals in Geologic Environments on the Abandoned Jangpoong Cu Mine Area

In-Gyeong Lee1, Pyeong-Koo Lee2, Sang-Hoon Choi1*, Ji-Soo Kim1 and Chil-Sup So3

1Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Institute for Basic Sciences, Chungbuk National Univ., Chungbuk 1361-763, Korea
2Div. of Geological & Environmental Harzards, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 1305-350, Korea
3Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Univ., Seoul 136-701, Korea

Correspondence to :

Sang-Hoon Choi

Received: October 4, 2005; Accepted: December 5, 2005


In order to identify the speciation of As and trace elements which are contained weathered waste rocks on the abandoned Jangpoong Cu mine area, five fraction sequential extraction was carried out. Concentrations of the extraction solutions which were acquaired each fraction were mesured by ICP-AES. Mineral characters of weatheredwaste rocks were determinated by XRD. The weathered waste rocks could divide into two types (Type I and type II). Type Iand type II weathered waste rocks are mainly composed of a quartz and a calcite, respectively. The most dominant speciation of As, Co and Fe is residual phase. Most of the speciation of Cd, Mn and Zn is residual phase for type I and Fe-Mn oxide phase for type II. In case of Cu, residual phase is predominant in type I and sulfide is predominet in type II. The most dominant speciation of Pb for type I and type II is associated with the residual phase and Fe-Mn oxide phase, respectively. At pH 4-7 range, the order of relative mobility considers Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb>Co>AS in type I, and Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb>As >Co in type II.

Keywords weathered waste rocks, Jangpoong Cu mine, sequential extraction, As and trace elements, speciation, mobility


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2005; 38(6): 699-705

Published online December 31, 2005


Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metals in Geologic Environments on the Abandoned Jangpoong Cu Mine Area

In-Gyeong Lee1, Pyeong-Koo Lee2, Sang-Hoon Choi1*, Ji-Soo Kim1 and Chil-Sup So3

1Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Institute for Basic Sciences, Chungbuk National Univ., Chungbuk 1361-763, Korea
2Div. of Geological & Environmental Harzards, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 1305-350, Korea
3Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Univ., Seoul 136-701, Korea

Correspondence to:

Sang-Hoon Choi

Received: October 4, 2005; Accepted: December 5, 2005


In order to identify the speciation of As and trace elements which are contained weathered waste rocks on the abandoned Jangpoong Cu mine area, five fraction sequential extraction was carried out. Concentrations of the extraction solutions which were acquaired each fraction were mesured by ICP-AES. Mineral characters of weatheredwaste rocks were determinated by XRD. The weathered waste rocks could divide into two types (Type I and type II). Type Iand type II weathered waste rocks are mainly composed of a quartz and a calcite, respectively. The most dominant speciation of As, Co and Fe is residual phase. Most of the speciation of Cd, Mn and Zn is residual phase for type I and Fe-Mn oxide phase for type II. In case of Cu, residual phase is predominant in type I and sulfide is predominet in type II. The most dominant speciation of Pb for type I and type II is associated with the residual phase and Fe-Mn oxide phase, respectively. At pH 4-7 range, the order of relative mobility considers Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb>Co>AS in type I, and Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb>As >Co in type II.

Keywords weathered waste rocks, Jangpoong Cu mine, sequential extraction, As and trace elements, speciation, mobility

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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