Econ. Environ. Geol. 2007; 40(1): 67-85

Published online February 28, 2007


Geoelectrical Structure and Groundwater Distribution in the South-eastern Region of Jeju Island Revealed by Controlled Source Audio-frequency MagnetoTelluric (CSAMT) survey

Junmo Yang1*, Byung-Doo Kwon1, Heisoon Lee2, Sung-Ho Song3, Gyeosoon Park1 and Kyu-Sang Lee3

1Department of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University
2Department of Science Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
3Rural Research Institute, KRC

Correspondence to :

Junmo Yang

Received: October 27, 2006; Accepted: January 26, 2007


We have performed the CSAMT survey to examine the geoelectrical structure and groundwater distribution for two survey lines across the south-eastern region of Jeju Island. Three kinds of 1-D inversion techniques were employed taking account of the geological situation around the observation sites, and their inversion results were concurrently compared and analyzed to improve the reliability of interpretation. The resultant inverted resistivity structures reveals the three-layered structure, which is composed of the layers with a high-low-lower resistivity from the surface downward. Through the comparison of the inverted resistivity model and core log of deep borehole nearby observation sites, the lithology of each inverted layer was inferred. The first layer and second layer corresponded to the basaltic layer with a thickness of 100~250 m, and the third layer to the Seoguipo Formation and the U Formation; the thickness of the Seoguipo Formation could not be estimated due to the limitation of investigation depth and little resistivity difference between both Formations. Nevertheless, the Seoguipo Formation, which is strongly associated with the groundwater system in the south-eastern region of Jeju Island, showed the conspicuous spatial continuity from the middle mountain area to coastal area.

Keywords Jeju Island, groundwater, CSAMT, Seoguipo Formation


Econ. Environ. Geol. 2007; 40(1): 67-85

Published online February 28, 2007


Geoelectrical Structure and Groundwater Distribution in the South-eastern Region of Jeju Island Revealed by Controlled Source Audio-frequency MagnetoTelluric (CSAMT) survey

Junmo Yang1*, Byung-Doo Kwon1, Heisoon Lee2, Sung-Ho Song3, Gyeosoon Park1 and Kyu-Sang Lee3

1Department of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University
2Department of Science Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
3Rural Research Institute, KRC

Correspondence to:

Junmo Yang

Received: October 27, 2006; Accepted: January 26, 2007


We have performed the CSAMT survey to examine the geoelectrical structure and groundwater distribution for two survey lines across the south-eastern region of Jeju Island. Three kinds of 1-D inversion techniques were employed taking account of the geological situation around the observation sites, and their inversion results were concurrently compared and analyzed to improve the reliability of interpretation. The resultant inverted resistivity structures reveals the three-layered structure, which is composed of the layers with a high-low-lower resistivity from the surface downward. Through the comparison of the inverted resistivity model and core log of deep borehole nearby observation sites, the lithology of each inverted layer was inferred. The first layer and second layer corresponded to the basaltic layer with a thickness of 100~250 m, and the third layer to the Seoguipo Formation and the U Formation; the thickness of the Seoguipo Formation could not be estimated due to the limitation of investigation depth and little resistivity difference between both Formations. Nevertheless, the Seoguipo Formation, which is strongly associated with the groundwater system in the south-eastern region of Jeju Island, showed the conspicuous spatial continuity from the middle mountain area to coastal area.

Keywords Jeju Island, groundwater, CSAMT, Seoguipo Formation

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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