Econ. Environ. Geol. 2010; 43(2): 123-136
Published online April 30, 2010
Correspondence to : Jun-Ho Lee
In order to remediate heavy metal contaminated Nong island, Maehyang-ri shooting range soils through the batch reactor scale washing were evaluated. The experiment texture soil of N3 in the Nong island at north side incline was (g)mS containing 12.9% gravel, 47.0% sand, 35.1% silt and 5.0% clay. And the N3 soil area was contaminated with Cd(22.5±1.9 ppm), Cu(35.5±4.0 ppm), Pb(1,279.0±5.1 ppm) and Zn(403.4±9.8 ppm). The EDTA(ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid, C10H16N2O8) in the N3 soil was observed as most effective extractants among the 5extractants(citric acid, EDTA, phosphoric acid, potassium phosphate and oxalic acid) tested. And chemical partitioning of heavy metals after washing N3 soil with EDTA was evaluated. Removal efficiency of residual fractions was higher than that of non-residual fractions. To choose EDTA extractant which is the most effective in soil washing technology using batch reactor process cleaning Pb and Zn contaminated sits; Pb and Zn removal rates were investigated 92.4%, 94.0% removal(1,000 mM, soil:solution=5, 20oC, 24 hour shaking, pH=2, 200 RPM), respectively. The results of the batch test showed that the removal efficiency curve was logarithmic in soil was removal. Thus, EDTA washing process can be applied to remediate the Pb and Zn contaminated soil used in this study.
Keywords lead(Pb), remediation, shooting range, soil washing technology, zinc(Zn)
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2010; 43(2): 123-136
Published online April 30, 2010
Jun-Ho Lee* and Kap-Song Park
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin 449-791, Korea
Correspondence to:
Jun-Ho Lee
In order to remediate heavy metal contaminated Nong island, Maehyang-ri shooting range soils through the batch reactor scale washing were evaluated. The experiment texture soil of N3 in the Nong island at north side incline was (g)mS containing 12.9% gravel, 47.0% sand, 35.1% silt and 5.0% clay. And the N3 soil area was contaminated with Cd(22.5±1.9 ppm), Cu(35.5±4.0 ppm), Pb(1,279.0±5.1 ppm) and Zn(403.4±9.8 ppm). The EDTA(ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid, C10H16N2O8) in the N3 soil was observed as most effective extractants among the 5extractants(citric acid, EDTA, phosphoric acid, potassium phosphate and oxalic acid) tested. And chemical partitioning of heavy metals after washing N3 soil with EDTA was evaluated. Removal efficiency of residual fractions was higher than that of non-residual fractions. To choose EDTA extractant which is the most effective in soil washing technology using batch reactor process cleaning Pb and Zn contaminated sits; Pb and Zn removal rates were investigated 92.4%, 94.0% removal(1,000 mM, soil:solution=5, 20oC, 24 hour shaking, pH=2, 200 RPM), respectively. The results of the batch test showed that the removal efficiency curve was logarithmic in soil was removal. Thus, EDTA washing process can be applied to remediate the Pb and Zn contaminated soil used in this study.
Keywords lead(Pb), remediation, shooting range, soil washing technology, zinc(Zn)
Dal-Heui Lee and Robert D. Cody
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2001; 34(3): 301-306Dal-Heui Lee, Dong-Ju Kim, Robert D. Cody and Sangil Choi
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2001; 34(4): 417-422Ju-Yong Kim, Yoon-Hyeong Choi, Kyoung-Woong Kim, Joo Sung Ahn and Dong Wook Kim
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2005; 38(5): 571-577