Econ. Environ. Geol. 2010; 43(6): 625-636
Published online December 31, 2010
Correspondence to : Chang Hwan Kim
The geophysical characteristics and geological structure of the northeastern part of the Ulleung Basin were investigated from interpretation of geophysical data including gravity, magnetic, bathymetry data, and seismic data. Relative correction was applied to reduce errors between sets of gravity and magnetic data, obtained at different times and by different equipments. The northeastern margin of the Ulleung Basin is characterized by complicated morphology consisting of volcanic islands (Ulleungdo and Dokdo), the Dokdo seamounts, and a deep pathway (Korea Gap) with the maximum depth of -2500 m. Free-air anomalies generally reflect the topography effect. There are high anomalies over the volcanic islands and the Dokdo seamounts. Except local anomalous zones of volcanic edifices,
the gradual increasing of the Bouguer anomalies from the Oki Bank toward the Ulleung Basin and the Korea Gap is related to higher mantle level and denser crust in the central of the Ulleung Basin. Complicated magnetic anomalies in the study area occur over volcanic islands and seamounts. The power spectrum analysis of the Bouguer anomalies indicates that the depth to the averaged Moho discontinuity is -16.1 km. The inversion of the Bouguer anomaly shows that the Moho depth under the Korea Gap is about -16~-17 km and the Moho depths towards the Oki Bank and the northwestern part of Ulleung Island are gradually deeper. The inversion result suggests that the crust of the Ulleung Basin is thicker than normal oceanic crusts. The result of 2D gravity modeling is in good agreement with the results of the power spectrum analysis and the inversion of the Bouguer anomaly. Except the volcanic edifices, the main pattern of magnetization distribution shows lineation in NE-SW. The inversion results, the 2D gravity modeling, and the magnetization distribution support possible NE-SW spreading of the Ulleung Basin proposed by other papers.
Keywords Ulleung Basin, gravity, magnetic, Moho depth, 2D gravity modeling, magnetization distribution, spreading center
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2010; 43(6): 625-636
Published online December 31, 2010
Chang Hwan Kim1* and Chan Hong Park2
1Dokdo research center, East Sea Research Insititute, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Uljin, Korea
2East Sea Research Insititute, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Uljin, Korea
Correspondence to:
Chang Hwan Kim
The geophysical characteristics and geological structure of the northeastern part of the Ulleung Basin were investigated from interpretation of geophysical data including gravity, magnetic, bathymetry data, and seismic data. Relative correction was applied to reduce errors between sets of gravity and magnetic data, obtained at different times and by different equipments. The northeastern margin of the Ulleung Basin is characterized by complicated morphology consisting of volcanic islands (Ulleungdo and Dokdo), the Dokdo seamounts, and a deep pathway (Korea Gap) with the maximum depth of -2500 m. Free-air anomalies generally reflect the topography effect. There are high anomalies over the volcanic islands and the Dokdo seamounts. Except local anomalous zones of volcanic edifices,
the gradual increasing of the Bouguer anomalies from the Oki Bank toward the Ulleung Basin and the Korea Gap is related to higher mantle level and denser crust in the central of the Ulleung Basin. Complicated magnetic anomalies in the study area occur over volcanic islands and seamounts. The power spectrum analysis of the Bouguer anomalies indicates that the depth to the averaged Moho discontinuity is -16.1 km. The inversion of the Bouguer anomaly shows that the Moho depth under the Korea Gap is about -16~-17 km and the Moho depths towards the Oki Bank and the northwestern part of Ulleung Island are gradually deeper. The inversion result suggests that the crust of the Ulleung Basin is thicker than normal oceanic crusts. The result of 2D gravity modeling is in good agreement with the results of the power spectrum analysis and the inversion of the Bouguer anomaly. Except the volcanic edifices, the main pattern of magnetization distribution shows lineation in NE-SW. The inversion results, the 2D gravity modeling, and the magnetization distribution support possible NE-SW spreading of the Ulleung Basin proposed by other papers.
Keywords Ulleung Basin, gravity, magnetic, Moho depth, 2D gravity modeling, magnetization distribution, spreading center
Hyun-Chul Han and Chan Hong Park
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2006; 39(4): 417-426Sun-Jong Lee, Jeong-Min Lee, Dong-Geun Yoo, Go-Eun Lee and Soo-Chul Park
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2017; 50(2): 129-143Structural Implications of Gravity Anomalies around Dok Island and its Surrounding Seamounts in the East Sea
Won Kyun Kim, Chang Hwan Kim, Chan Hong Park, Hyun-Chul Han, Mun Sang Kown, Kyung Duck Min, Baek-Soo Kim and Young Sub Choi
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2000; 33(6): 537-545