Review Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2017; 50(6): 545-554

Published online December 31, 2017


A Review of Geochemical Factors Governing the Phase Transformation of Birnessite

Seonyi Namgung1, Chul-Min Chon2 and Giehyeon Lee1*

1Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
2Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea

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Received: December 16, 2017; Revised: December 28, 2017; Accepted: December 28, 2017

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.


Birnessite is one of the dominant Mn (oxyhydr)oxide phases commonly found in soil and deep ocean environments. It typically occurs as nano-sized and poorly crystalline aggregates in the natural environment. It is well known that birnessite participates in a wide variety of bio/geochemical reactions as a reactive mineral phase with structural defects, cation vacancies, and mixed valences of structural Mn. These various bio/geochemical reactions control not only the fate and transport of inorganic and organic substances in the environment, but also the formation of diverse Mn (oxyhydr)oxides through birnessite transformation. This review assessed and discussed about the phase transformation of birnessite under a wide range of environmental conditions and about the potential geochemical factors controlling the corresponding reactions in the literature. Birnessite transformation to other types of Mn (oxyhydr)oxides were affected by dissolved Mn(II), dissolved oxygen, solution pH, and co-existing cation (i.e., Mg2+). However, there still have been many issues to be unraveled on the complex bio/geochemical processes involved in the phase transformation of birnessite. Future work on the detail mechanisms of birnessite transformation should be further investigated.

Keywords Mn (oxyhydr)oxides, birnessite transformation, potential geochemical factors, dissolved Mn(II), reactive mineral phase

버네사이트 상변화 반응의 지화학적 반응 조절인자 연구

남궁선이1 ·전철민2 ·이기현1*

1연세대학교 지구시스템과학과, 2한국지질자원연구원 지질환경연구본부

요 약


Review Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2017; 50(6): 545-554

Published online December 31, 2017


A Review of Geochemical Factors Governing the Phase Transformation of Birnessite

Seonyi Namgung1, Chul-Min Chon2 and Giehyeon Lee1*

1Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
2Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea


Received: December 16, 2017; Revised: December 28, 2017; Accepted: December 28, 2017

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.


Birnessite is one of the dominant Mn (oxyhydr)oxide phases commonly found in soil and deep ocean environments. It typically occurs as nano-sized and poorly crystalline aggregates in the natural environment. It is well known that birnessite participates in a wide variety of bio/geochemical reactions as a reactive mineral phase with structural defects, cation vacancies, and mixed valences of structural Mn. These various bio/geochemical reactions control not only the fate and transport of inorganic and organic substances in the environment, but also the formation of diverse Mn (oxyhydr)oxides through birnessite transformation. This review assessed and discussed about the phase transformation of birnessite under a wide range of environmental conditions and about the potential geochemical factors controlling the corresponding reactions in the literature. Birnessite transformation to other types of Mn (oxyhydr)oxides were affected by dissolved Mn(II), dissolved oxygen, solution pH, and co-existing cation (i.e., Mg2+). However, there still have been many issues to be unraveled on the complex bio/geochemical processes involved in the phase transformation of birnessite. Future work on the detail mechanisms of birnessite transformation should be further investigated.

Keywords Mn (oxyhydr)oxides, birnessite transformation, potential geochemical factors, dissolved Mn(II), reactive mineral phase

버네사이트 상변화 반응의 지화학적 반응 조절인자 연구

남궁선이1 ·전철민2 ·이기현1*

1연세대학교 지구시스템과학과, 2한국지질자원연구원 지질환경연구본부

Received: December 16, 2017; Revised: December 28, 2017; Accepted: December 28, 2017

요 약

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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