Econ. Environ. Geol. 2018; 51(1): 49-65
Published online February 28, 2018
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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.
The lime-soil mixture on tomb barrier (LSMB) is a type of tomb in Joseon Dynasty, which made with so-called ‘Sammul’ (three material compound) that mixture of lime, fine sand and yellow ocher. This study divided the tombs of the Gungri Site from Joseon Dynasty with layered wall and integrated wall according to the manufacturing types, and investigated on the basis of analysis to material characteristics and making techniques. Analytical samples were classified with lime-soil mixtures and soils, and interpreted the mixing characteristics of Sammul based on types of tomb barrier. The tomb barrier which is directly effect to control the inner environment was made with high content of lime. But the finishing or bottom layer were made with low content of lime. Overall the LSMB with integrated wall has higher content of lime and physical property than the LSMB with layered wall. The soil which was compounded as a Sammul and collected near the Gungri Site had similar with mineralogical and geochemical characteristics. Therefore, it is presumed that the fine sand and yellow ocher that made as a Sammul, were used with soil that was distributed around the site. Meanwhile, large scale limestone quarry is distributed near the site. Especially, Gungri Site has a possibility of material supply through water transport, due to the sea route from Asan bay is connected near the site. Thus, there is the possibility of transportation of lime materials from nearby quarry.
Keywords lime-soil mixture on tomb barrier (LSMB), Gungri site, Sammul (three material compound), lime, layered wall, integrated wall
강산하 · 이찬희*
공주대학교 문화재보존과학과
Econ. Environ. Geol. 2018; 51(1): 49-65
Published online February 28, 2018
San Ha Kang and Chan Hee Lee*
Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Sciences, Kongju National University, Gongju, 32588, Korea
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.
The lime-soil mixture on tomb barrier (LSMB) is a type of tomb in Joseon Dynasty, which made with so-called ‘Sammul’ (three material compound) that mixture of lime, fine sand and yellow ocher. This study divided the tombs of the Gungri Site from Joseon Dynasty with layered wall and integrated wall according to the manufacturing types, and investigated on the basis of analysis to material characteristics and making techniques. Analytical samples were classified with lime-soil mixtures and soils, and interpreted the mixing characteristics of Sammul based on types of tomb barrier. The tomb barrier which is directly effect to control the inner environment was made with high content of lime. But the finishing or bottom layer were made with low content of lime. Overall the LSMB with integrated wall has higher content of lime and physical property than the LSMB with layered wall. The soil which was compounded as a Sammul and collected near the Gungri Site had similar with mineralogical and geochemical characteristics. Therefore, it is presumed that the fine sand and yellow ocher that made as a Sammul, were used with soil that was distributed around the site. Meanwhile, large scale limestone quarry is distributed near the site. Especially, Gungri Site has a possibility of material supply through water transport, due to the sea route from Asan bay is connected near the site. Thus, there is the possibility of transportation of lime materials from nearby quarry.
Keywords lime-soil mixture on tomb barrier (LSMB), Gungri site, Sammul (three material compound), lime, layered wall, integrated wall
강산하 · 이찬희*
공주대학교 문화재보존과학과
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