Review Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2016; 49(4): 325-333

Published online August 31, 2016


Research Evaluation Indicators for Government Supported Research Institutes on Geoscience and Mineral Resources in the New Korean Mission Oriented Evaluation System

Eun-Young Ahn*, Seong-Yong Kim and Jae-Wook Lee

Policy Research Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), Daejeon 34132, Korea

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Received: July 13, 2016; Revised: August 9, 2016; Accepted: August 21, 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.


The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) introduced its new Mission Oriented Evaluation System (MOES) for government affiliated research institutes and Government Supported Research Institutes (GSRI) on science and technology in 2013. The Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) is the first MOES applied Science and Technology (S&T) GSRI, that has research divisions focusing on geoscience and geological surveys, mineral resources extraction and utilization, petroleum extraction and marine mineral research, and geological applied and environment research. In appling the final evaluation of MOES on KIGAM, we found difficulty classifing the concepts of research excellence and risk (innovativeness) in guidelines of Research Evaluation Indicators (REIs) of MSIP. We have developed quantitative and qualitative indicators that can present research excellence and risk (innovativeness) through the KIGAM World Class Laboratory (WCL) strategy and related studies, innovative research and development guidelines of MSIP (2013a) and honorable R&D failure guidelines of MSIP (2013b). We have applied our developed REIs in KIGAM which handles basic research, applied and development research and public services. Therefore, our developed REIs can be effectively applied in every S&T GSRI.

Keywords Mission Oriented Evaluation, research and development, Government Supported Research Institute, Evaluation Indicator

임무중심형 종합평가에서 지질자원 분야 출연연구기관의 연구개발 우수성 평가지표 연구

안은영* ·김성용 ·이재욱

한국지질자원연구원 미래정책연구실

요 약


Review Article

Econ. Environ. Geol. 2016; 49(4): 325-333

Published online August 31, 2016


Research Evaluation Indicators for Government Supported Research Institutes on Geoscience and Mineral Resources in the New Korean Mission Oriented Evaluation System

Eun-Young Ahn*, Seong-Yong Kim and Jae-Wook Lee

Policy Research Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), Daejeon 34132, Korea


Received: July 13, 2016; Revised: August 9, 2016; Accepted: August 21, 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided original work is properly cited.


The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) introduced its new Mission Oriented Evaluation System (MOES) for government affiliated research institutes and Government Supported Research Institutes (GSRI) on science and technology in 2013. The Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) is the first MOES applied Science and Technology (S&T) GSRI, that has research divisions focusing on geoscience and geological surveys, mineral resources extraction and utilization, petroleum extraction and marine mineral research, and geological applied and environment research. In appling the final evaluation of MOES on KIGAM, we found difficulty classifing the concepts of research excellence and risk (innovativeness) in guidelines of Research Evaluation Indicators (REIs) of MSIP. We have developed quantitative and qualitative indicators that can present research excellence and risk (innovativeness) through the KIGAM World Class Laboratory (WCL) strategy and related studies, innovative research and development guidelines of MSIP (2013a) and honorable R&D failure guidelines of MSIP (2013b). We have applied our developed REIs in KIGAM which handles basic research, applied and development research and public services. Therefore, our developed REIs can be effectively applied in every S&T GSRI.

Keywords Mission Oriented Evaluation, research and development, Government Supported Research Institute, Evaluation Indicator

임무중심형 종합평가에서 지질자원 분야 출연연구기관의 연구개발 우수성 평가지표 연구

안은영* ·김성용 ·이재욱

한국지질자원연구원 미래정책연구실

Received: July 13, 2016; Revised: August 9, 2016; Accepted: August 21, 2016

요 약

    Dec 31, 2024 Vol.57 No.6, pp. 665~835

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